Wednesday, October 7, 2009

In which I become literary...


Like many things in my life, a blog is something I was pretty sure that I would never have. I said that about MySpace (though honestly I just used it for the quizzes) and Facebook (which I have grown to love). Its also like my computer, cell phone, headset and car. Also like all of those things, I seem to obtained them. So! I have a blog.

I do not really know why anyone would find my rambles (which I am sure this is what my blog will be) interesting. I will try to make them so and keep my fingers crossed that I will not waste anyone's time. To introduce myself...I'm 20, a girl, a raging nerd, independent and absolutely silly. While talking about my life I will more than likely change the names of those involved. Because you are nosy, nosy people but I believe that people should have their privacy protected. (Probably shouldn't have started a blog then because its kind of lessening my privacy but...meh.)

In any event, if you do pay one wit of attention to my frolicking journey into the public literary world, I hope you enjoy it. I will try to.

Welcome to my blog. Read on.

1 comment:

  1. I get to make the first comment on your blog! I liked your first post. It's so you. ;)
