Thursday, November 25, 2010

I'll never get into this....

Every time I try to write a blog post...

I just decide its better off in my diary.

I don't want to write this. And no one wants to read it. I have nothing to say to you.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

In which I try again...


Time for me to drop the stupid, pretentious "Salutation" at the beginning of my blog. There were actually more entries than the two listed below, but I deleted them. I've decided to try my hand at this blog again. I've been horrible at updating as the dates will show.

I guess its not for lack of something to say - but perhaps the belief that no one will read this stupid thing. But if I cannot write well enough online, then I shall just turn this into an art/picture blog! I figure that will keep my interest in this up.

So, to start off. The most awesome staircase ever.